Nina Šošková (SK)

Nina Šošková (1983, Žilina) is Slovak sculptor, artist and coordinator of cultural projects. She studied at Department of Sculture at Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica, where she graduated and received her PhD. from the Academy of fine Arts in Prague. As an author, she participated on many local and international exhibitions, she is also taking part on several international public art projects. She cooperated on the documentation of Košice statues project, worked as an art producer of the SPOTs project (community and cultural centres) in the frame of Košice – European capital of Culture 2013. She is author and curator of MEDZICENTRUM festival – art in the public space. She has established and runs civic association Outdoor gallery. She creates on the cottage in Čičmany, lives in Bratislava, works in Kunsthalle in Bratislava.

Nina took part on the residency  in Pilsen, which was organised in cooperation with OPEN AiR – Artist in Residence project which is organized by Pilsen 2015.


Nina Šošková (1983, Žilina) je slovenská sochárka, vtvarníka a koordinátorka kultúrnych projektov. tudovala sochu na Katedre sochárstva Akadémie umení v Banskej Bystrici, kde absolvovala i doktorát s pôsobením a kolením na Akademii vtvarnch umní v Prahe. Ako autorka sa zúastnila viacerch domácich a medzinárodnch vstav, participuje na viacerch medzinárodnch public art projektoch. Spolupracovala na dokumentácií projektu Koické sochy, pôsobila ako umelecká producentka projektu SPOTs (koumunitné a kultúrne centrá) v rámci Európskeho hlavného mesta kultúry Koice 2013. Je autorkou a kurátorkou festivalu MEDZICENTRUM – umenie pre verejný priestor. Zaloila a vedie obianske zdruenie Outdoor gallery. Tvorí na chalupe v Čičmanoch, žije v Bratislave, pracuje v Kunsthalle Bratislava. 

Nina sa zúčastnila na rezidenčnom pobyte v Plzni, ktorý bol organizovaný v spolupráci s projektom OPEN AiR – Artist in Residence organizácie Plzeň 2015.