Fabien Lédé (FR/PL)

Fabien Lédé (*1981) is a French visual artist, who has been strongly connected to Wrocław for last few years. He is a painter, photographer and installation artist interested mainly in experiments with light, color and in dialog with space and its cultural discourses. He is also a scenographer – his recent ambient set design for “GRIMM: black snow” performance staged in Polski Theatre in Wrocław has been widely discussed and appreciated both by critics and the public.

Lédé is a D.I.Y. believer fascinated by raw art, Art Brut and non-canonical and alternative modes of expression. His artwork stems from his personal experiences, which he recounts in his own psychedelic electro-pop style. From the year 1997 he has been exploring the margins of existing artistic languages in order to construct his own artistic idiom. He has just designed a special psychoactive room in HART – Hostel & Art in Wroclaw, which is a transitory piece of spatial art for rent. Among his works one can find medieval-pop graffiti, site-specific installations, raw-couture sewing drawings, posters, cityscape interventions, mash-up mix media sculptures, naughty porcelains and screen printings.


He is also an illustrator collaborating with such Polish magazines as “POST”, “BIURO”, “Chimera” and “Dwutygodnik”. He has also illustrated “Transgressions. Short stories anthology” collecting the main Polish and Norwegian writers and published by the Opowiadania – International Short Story Festival (2013).

Lédé has graduated with honors in the department of graphic design at the Academy of Art in Orleans, France and in Interdisciplinary Printmaking at The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław, Poland. In 2009 he has founded Nü Köza Collective, Gallery and Art Library in Dijon. On this year edition of Think Tank Lab Triennale of drawing in Wrocław he won a special prize of Contemporary Lynx magazine. In last years has been collaborating with Wrocław based interdisciplinary formation Identity Problem Group [IP]

Fabien Lédé will spend two months (April – May 2016) at residency in Kosice, Slovakia. The residency is in cooperation with A-i-R Wro – European Capital of Culture Wroclaw 2016. The residency is supported by Creative Industry Košice and Polish Institute in Bratislava.




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Fabien Lédé (*1981) je francúzsky výtvarník, ktorý je posledných pár rokov pevne spojený s mestom Vroclav. Venuje sa maľbe, fotografii a inštaláciám so záujmom hlavne o experimentovanie so svetlom a farbou a interakcii s priestorom a jeho kultúrnym rámcom. Okrem toho sa venuje scénografii – jeho nedávny návrh scény pre performance “GRIMM: black snow” v divadle Teatr Polski we Wrocławiu bol ocenený kritikmi aj divákmi.  Lédé je vyznávačom D.I.Y. prístupu, Art Brut a alternatívnych spôsobov vyjadrovania. Jeho práca pramení z osobných skúseností, ktoré tlmočí do jeho vlastného, psychadelického electro-pop štýlu. Od roku 1997 skúma hranice existujúcich umeleckých jazykov za účelom vystavania jeho vlastného. Prednedávnom navrhol špeciálnu psychoaktívnu izbu v hoteli HART – Hostel & Art vo Vroclave.


Fabien Lédé je taktiež ilustrátor, spolupracuje s poľskými časopismi ako “POST”, “BIURO”, “Chimera” a “Dwutygodnik”. Ilustroval “Transgressions. Short stories anthology” zbierku hlavných poľských a nórskych spisovateľov publikovaných festivalom krátkej prózy Opowiadania (2013).

Lédé absolvoval s vyznamenaním katedru grafického dizajnu na Akadémini umení vo francúzskom Orleanse a na Akadémii umení a dizajnu Eugeniusza Gepperta vo Vroclave. V roku 2009 založil Nü Köza Collective, Gallery and Art Library v Dijone. V tohoročnej edícii trienále kresby Think Tank Lab Triennale vo Vroclave získal špeciálnu cenu časopisu Contemporary Lynx. V minulých rokoch spolupracoval s Vroclavskou formáciou Identity Problem Group [IP].

Fabien Lédé strávi dva mesiace (apríl máj 2016) na rezidenčnom pobyte v Košiciach. Rezidencia je organizovaná v spolupráci s A-i-R Wro – Európske hlavné mesto kultúry Vroclav 2016. Rezidencia je podporená organizáciou Creative Industry Košice a Poľským inštitútom v Bratislave.



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