Danny Khoury (LB)

Danny Khoury sa narodil v libanonskom Bejrúte, kde študoval grafický dizajn na Lebanese American University. Pracoval v niekoľkých agentúrach kde vytváral korporátne identity, rôzne projekty tlače, a reklamné kampane pričom sa venoval učeniu. Vďaka tomu získal skúsenosti s brandingom, a produktovým designom. Taktiež sa zaoberá webdizajnom, ilustáciou a animáciou.  V súčasnosti pracuje ako dizajnér na voľnej nohe. Je spoluzakladateľom dizajnérskeho kolektívu USE FOR FUN, robí konzultácie a zakladá iniciatívy ako napríklad kolektívnu výstavu ilustrácií “Beirut Is…”.


Danny s radosťou testuje limity nástrojov a vnímania pričom sa hrá s hranicou medzi dizajnom a umením. Prostredníctvom kreatívneho procesu v spojení s ďalšími odvetviami a  so záujmom o experimentovanie hľadá analógie a vzory: občas sa zastaví aby skúmal pocit, ktorý tvorí forma a priestor, nachádza geometriu zdôrazňujúcu hypnotický efekt pričom hľadá Bezčasovosť. S ocenením minimalizmu a remesla, Danny verí, že výsledkom dizajnu ako takého nie je komerčný produkt, ale je to skôr experimentálny proces vytvárajúci funkčne a vizuálne presvedčivé formy, ktoré komunikujú s divákom v konzumnom svete.

Danny Khoury je víťazom výzvy ENTER Magazine COVER COMPETITION a rezidencia je organizovaná v spolupráci s vydavateľstvom Dive Buki

Danny Khoury is a designer from Lebanon. He helps individuals and entities identify and form their image, and likes to make things that you use. Danny enjoys testing the limits of tools and perception, playing at the blurry edge between design and art. With his interest in experimentation, he searches for analogies and patterns through the creative process in other disciplines; at times, he pauses to explore the feeling generated by form and space, and finds geometry underlying a hypnotic effect while seeking Timelessness.


Born in Beirut and studied graphic design at the Lebanese American University, he worked at several design agencies creating corporate identities, a variety of printing projects, and advertising campaigns in addition to teaching. This gave him an experience in layouts, branding, packaging, and product design. He is also involved in web design, illustration, and animation. Currently, Danny is working as a freelance designer and co-founder of USE FOR FUN Design Collective, making design consultancies and starting initiatives like “Beirut Is…” collective illustration exhibition. With an appreciation of both minimalism and craftsmanship, Danny believes that design is not a commercial end in itself, but rather an experimental process to establish functional and visually compelling forms, which in turn communicate to viewers in a consumer world.

Besides that, he loves pizza, sour green apples, and the other Apple.

Danny Khoury is a winner of ENTER Magazine COVER COMPETITION and the residency is organized in collaboration Dive Buki publishing house.