Mayar Alexan (SY): Incomplete

Events, Past

Mayar Alexan je herec, performer a divadelný tvorca zo Sýrie. Počas dvojmesačného rezidenčného pobytu v Košiciach pracoval na preformance s názvom Incomplete.

“Incomplete“ je interaktívna performance, ktorá vznikla v spolupráci s výtvarníčkou Petrou Houskovou a spisovateľkou Julianou Sokolovou. Projekt sa zaoberá témou “nedokončenosti“ a pýta sa, čo sa stane s našimi nedokončenými myšlienkami? Zomrú? Kde zostanú alebo počkajú? Aké druhy strachov máme z dosiahnutia konca?

Rezidencia bola zrealizovaná vďaka podpore Goetheho inštitútu v Bratislave v spolupráci s organizáciou Ettijahat-Independent Culture. Rezidenčný program je ďalej podporený organizáciou Creative Industry Košice.


Mayar Alexan is an actor, performer, and theater maker from Syria. During his two months residency, he worked on the performance called Incomplete.

„Incomplete” is an interactive performance in collaboration with visual artist Petra Husková and writer Juliana Sokolová. The project is dealing with the subject of ” incompleteness”, and it asks what happens to all our incomplete thoughts? Do they die? Where do they remain or wait? What kind of fears do we have of reaching an end?

The residency was organized thanks to the support of Goethe – Institut in Bratislava in cooperation with Ettijahat-Independent Culture. The project is also supported by Creative Industry Košice.