Christoph Reiserer (GER)

Christoph Reiserer is a composer and multi-media-artist from Munich, Germany. Before he became a musician he studied musicology and philosophy in Munich and Berlin. His work consists of music theater compositions (e. g. President Jekyll, 2012) as well as performances in public space (flux2008 on a raft in a river) and installations (e. g. tisch, 2005, in public space).

With his performance-installation Some Work (2010) he started to build robots which interact and perform together with musicians. With this kind of work he explores the relationship between human beings and machines and shows capabilities and deficits on both sides often in a humorous way. His machines show the interacting musician or visitor a lot about their way of thinking and dealing with situations.


He has received several grants and prizes, for instance a 2nd prize at the Leipzig Improvisation Competition in 1997, an artist residency at the Center for Contemporary Arts in Glasgow/Scotland and the Förderpreis für Musik from the City of Munich in 2009.

Christoph Reiserer will spend three months at residency in Košice (March – June 2016). The residency is supported by Goethe – Institut in Bratislava and Creative Industry Košice.

Christoph Reiserer je skladateľ a multimediálny umelec z Mníchova. Pred tým, než sa stal hudobníkom, študoval muzikológiu a filozofiu v Mníchove a Berlíne. Jeho práca pozostáva zo skladieb pre hudobné divadlo (napr. Pesident Jekyll, 2012) rovnako ako performance vo verejnom priestore (flux2008 na rafte na rieke) a inštalácií (napr. tisch, 2005, vo verejnom priestore).


So svojou performance – inštaláciou Some Work (2010) začal stavať roboty, ktoré interagujú a vystupujú spolu s hudobníkmi. Touto prácou skúma náš vzťah medzi ľudskými bytosťami a strojmi a často vtipným spôsobom poukazuje na schopnosti a nedostatky na obidvoch stranách. Jeho prístroje ukazujú interagujúcim hudobníkom alebo návštevníkom veľa o ich spôsobe myslenia a vyrovnávajú sa so situáciami.

Christoph získal niekoľko grantov a cien, napríklad druhé miesto v Leipzig Improvisation Competition (1997), umeleckú rezidenciu v Center for Contemporary Arts in Glasgow a  Förderpreis für Musik (Cena pre hudbudu) mesta Mníchov v roku 2009.

Cristoph Reiserer strávi tri mesiace na rezidenčnom pobyte v Košiciach (marec – jún 2016). Rezidencia je podporená Goetheho inštitútom v Bratislave a organizáciou Creative Industry Košice.